24.2 News Part 2
We're back with another 24.2 news update. As you know we had an internal target of March 4th to release Infinite Flight 24.2, which will include the long-awaited A380 rework. During our MAX vs NEO event, with large numbers of aircraft concentrated in one place, we were able to identify some multiplayer bugs that required attention before pushing this version to the masses. Rather than release and address this with a hotfix, the decision was made to wait one extra week. This also gave our developers and artists time to tidy up a few remaining smaller issues with the A380. Here are some more details from the tech side of things from Cameron.
The A380 is a large aircraft and we knew it would be a long wait during development. Still, it's understandable that fans of this aircraft are tired of waiting. Rest assured we're just as excited to push the Super Jumbo out of the hangar for you! Although our internal goal of March 4th was made obvious by the ATC schedule and our video preview, it's important to note that as with all development, these goals are subject to change.
We've also been working on a hardware fix for our live stream and hope to reschedule for this weekend - stay tuned and be sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel so you don't miss anything.
With all of that said, and pending any new showstoppers, we're gearing up to send a release candidate to Apple for approval! Keep an eye on our social media channels for more updates as things progress.
Mar 6Welcome to the Timeline
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