Development Timeline

This is your journey through the development process of Infinite Flight. Experience the creation of new content and features like never before with up-to-date works in progress, images from our 3D artists, developer streams, and much more.

24.2 News

Infinite Flight 24.2 Release News

The long-awaited A380 release is almost upon us! Along with the A380, we have some other great additions and improvements. As always, improvements can come with technical challenges and some bugs are harder to track down and squash than others.

Our internal target for release has been Monday, March 4th, right after the sneak peek live stream on the 3rd. Due to some ongoing bug tracking, this date is going to be pushed. We know the ATC schedule and other release flow hints are already out there, which is why we're bringing you this update. While we can't say for sure what the exact release date will be, rest assured we're excited to get this out there and our developers are working hard to that end!

Keep a close eye on our social media for news and we'll keep you informed along the way.

Mar 1

Welcome to the Timeline

This is your journey through the development process of Infinite Flight. Experience the creation of new content and features like never before with up-to-date works in progress, images from our 3D artists, developer streams, and much more.

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