Development Timeline

This is your journey through the development process of Infinite Flight. Experience the creation of new content and features like never before with up-to-date works in progress, images from our 3D artists, developer streams, and much more.

A350 Variants

A common question during the development of an aircraft is “what variants will you build?” Today, we can confirm that as we develop the A350, we are focusing on the -900 only. While it may seem like a copy and paste to clone variants, it’s not quite that easy or fast. By concentrating on the A359, we will be able to ship it to you more quickly with a nice selection of liveries to choose from.

A350 VariantsMay 3

Welcome to the Timeline

This is your journey through the development process of Infinite Flight. Experience the creation of new content and features like never before with up-to-date works in progress, images from our 3D artists, developer streams, and much more.

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