3D Airport Selection
Back in October, Laura shared some news about the 3D building process on one of our live streams. By the way, are you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Lots of great stuff there! On that stream, it was revealed that the 3D buildings are being constructed from scratch using an in-app editor by a select group of airport editors. The power of the Infinite Flight community is shining once again!
The editor system isn't ready to scale yet. With this type of feature that ultimately is used by each and every user as they fly out of or into these 3D airports, a lot of checks and balances must be in place. The system can't be abused with diabolical little easter eggs being hidden around the globe. So while our developers work to future-proof the airport editing system, we're keeping the editing team close to the chest.
How Airports are Decided
Our airport editing team is made up of volunteers. Relaxing though it may be to sit down and dedicate a solid 12 hours to building an airport from scratch, it's still a lot of work. As a result, our airport editors are free to start any airport they like. Our team may suggest airports based on aircraft being added or reworked, but ultimately our editors work on what excites them.
It stands to reason then, that the most dedicated members of the community that are currently building airports (moderators, beta testers, etc) have a direct impact on what you see coming to Infinite Flight. This is the reason Infinite Flight doesn't currently have a method for requesting 3D airports. We hope to open up this process to a broader group soon. Until then, we'd like to give a huge thank-you to our airport team. We couldn't do it without you! 🙌

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