Infinite Flight + Sporty's Pilot Shop

Infinite Flight and Sporty's are proud to partner in making flight training even more immersive. Infinite Flight provides the most portable and accessible simulation experience. Coupled with Sporty's and their Learn To Fly Course, pilots and students can take their learning to new heights!

Begin your

Infinite Flight scenarios are now part of a growning number of training modules in the Learn To Fly courses from Sporty's. Sporty's customers receive a free 90-day trial to Infinite Flight Pro!

Chair Flying 2.0
Sporty's Learn to Fly Course

Learn to

Infinite Flight training scenarios are now part of a growning number of training modules in the Learn To Fly courses from Sporty's. When you finish a lesson with Sporty's, you can jump right into the cockpit with Infinite Flight on your device to practice!

Sporty's customers receive a free 90-day trial to Infinite Flight Pro!

Discover the Sporty's Learn to Fly course and get started on your flying journey today.

Get Started